Acupuncture in Mesa
Acupuncture is the ages old practice of inserting hair fine needles into specific points along the body in order to create a healing response. Originating in China, it has been practiced for thousands of years and has withstood the test of time to be a highly effective form of medicine.
Modern day studies have confirmed the many benefits of acupuncture. It has been shown that acupuncture works by helping the body to reduce cortisol levels (the stress hormone), boost endorphins (the feel good hormone), activate the body’s natural pain relieving receptors, as well as to decrease swelling and inflammation while increasing blood circulation all over the body.
This effectively gets the body back into balance, allowing it to heal itself naturally. It’s simultaneously simple and complex, but also totally awesome that it can do so much! And because it stimulates so much healing in the body, this is what makes it effective at treating just about any illness you can think of.
What If I'm Afraid of Needles?
​If you are interested in obtaining some of the relief that acupuncture can offer but are nervous about the needle part, have no fear! Acupuncture needles are nothing like the hypodermic needles that are used in shots and blood draws.
At Path of Wellness, we use filiform (solid), stainless steel, sterile, single use needles. They’re hair fine, flexible and coated in silicone so that they glide into the skin quickly and painlessly. In fact, acupuncture needles are so small, you can fit 10-12 of them inside of a single hypodermic needle!
Our acupuncturist Nicole has completed thousands of hours of clinical training in school, in addition to having over 9 years of experience as a licensed practitioner with thousands of treatments under her belt. In other words, she has performed acupuncture A LOT and has gotten pretty good at refining her technique and making the needle part as quick and gentle as possible.
It’s not nearly as scary as it seems- we promise! In fact, most people get so relaxed during treatment, they fall right to sleep and are surprised when they wake up later! It’s an awesome feeling to be that relaxed.
Whatever your health goals are, we can help you achieve them. Using acupuncture and Chinese medicine, we can help you resolve physical, emotional, mental and spiritual issues that may be keeping you from truly thriving.
How Can Acupuncture Help Me?
At Path of Wellness, we specialize in helping people get relief from emotional trauma, stress and anxiety. But by its very nature, acupuncture not only helps alleviate emotional pains, but it does so much for the physical body as well. Here are a couple different ways that acupuncture can help you.
Freedom from Pain
By decreasing swelling and inflammation, stimulating fresh blood flow and triggering the body’s natural pain relieving receptors, acupuncture should hands down be a first line of defense for any type of pain issue. In fact, it's what acupuncture is most famous for!
Improved Digestion
Digestive issues can be a real drag and traditional M.Ds don't have much to offer. Use acupuncture and Chinese medicine to get relief from symptoms of IBS, bloating, gas, reflux, diarrhea and constipation. We’ll get to the root cause of your digestive distress to keep flare ups at bay and get you feeling better.
Relief from Allergies/Asthma
Here in the Valley of the Sun with our poor air quality, lung and sinus issues are prevalent. Allergies, asthma, Valley Fever, sinus infections and congestion are all super common. Fortunately, acupuncture and Chinese medicine rocks at treating these issues, naturally and effectively.
Chinese Medicine is 100% Personalized to Each Patient
Our intake process is super thorough because each patient is a unique individual. We take the time to completely evaluate your health status in order to create a highly customized treatment plan for you personally. We will get your symptoms under control while working to address the underlying cause of your ailments, so that we can keep them from happening in the first place. This is true preventative medicine and what acupuncture and Chinese medicine is fantastic at.
Here is a small sampling of some more things acupuncture can help with:
Back pain (any part of the back: neck, shoulders, upper, mid, lower, sciatic, hip, etc)
Bell's Palsy
Carpal tunnel syndrome
Chronic fatigue syndrome
Common cold and flu
Dizziness and vertigo
Headaches and migraines
High blood pressure
Low immunity
Menopausal symptoms
Menstrual issues
Nerve pain, numbness and tingling
Pain (of any kind, anywhere in the body. Acupuncture treats it all)
Sequelae of stroke
Side effects of chemotherapy
and so much more! Just ask us, acupuncture probably treats it!